You Are Here

Congratulations. You are embodied! Your form is one of the most advanced creations of infinite intelligence. It is indeed fearfully and wonderfully made.

For clarity’s sake, let’s make a distinciton early on – between YOU and YOUR FORM. YOU are something that YOU are still discovering. You might be male or female or both. You might be one or many or both. You might be eternal or finite or both. YOUR FORM is more definable. YOUR FORM is in loving service to you and your life will be immeasurably more enjoyable if you decide to return the favor and be in loving service to your form.

Exactly how to do that is a topic made muddy and confusing by theories and propaganda based on false premises. Some propagators of misguided theories are well-educated and well-meaning but they are still wrong. Others have drawn a maze around themselves and deception is their only way out, or so they believe. Be aware! Seek the truth. Compare notes. Observe your body. Observe the bodies of others. Dig into the archives of civilizations past. For there is nothing new under the sun and you have everything you need.

You live in a created world and have no choice but to interact with chemistry. The air you breathe, the food you eat, the water you drink and the products you use all interact with your body on a chemical level. The chemical-electrical nature of the reality you move around in is incredibly complicated, and yet, undeniably simple and predictable. Your body is a chemical factory. Your perceptions, emotions, thoughts, desires, motivations, all meet your awareness through chemical reactions. The chemisty you surround yourself with and especially the chemisty you ingest dramatically effects your pereception of the world and yourself. It affects your emotions, your thoughts, your desires and your motivations.

Many of the qualities you think of as “you” are just consistent chemical states, created by a combination of genetic factors and the chemistry around you. You might be surprised how much “you” would change in a different environment. If you spent enough time in a healthy environment eating natural foods in their natural states your DNA would even repair itself and the world itself would change, in accordance with your enhanced ability to perceive it.

The world responds to your body and your body responds to the world. You change together. The determining factor is YOU. The decision-making you, who chooses when to sleep, what to eat, where to live, who to live with and what to do with your focus. It is your privilege to choose. That freedom has been bestowed upon you. It is also your responsibility to choose. You can create whatever you want but you have to experience what you create.

The most straightforward way to be in loving service to your form is to learn about how it actually works. The kingdom of heaven is within you.

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