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Fruitarian Dreams

What is the allure of a fruitarian diet?

It’s bliss okay? Bliss is the allure. Also beauty, let’s be honest.

The following is an excerpt from Professor Arnold Ehret’s Rational Fasting. Teresa Mitchell recounts her experience with vegetarianism and the transition diet, eventually making the decision to remain on a strict fruit diet until she could accomplish complete healing of her body.

By this time I had been living on the fruitarian diet for about nine months and many encouraging and wonderful things had taken place. For at least the past two months I had felt like a new born babe. How I wanted to shout this message from the house tops. “This must be the way God intended man to live. Why won’t people accept these teachings – or at least try for themselves so that they might enjoy the truth.” In my enthusiasm I dreamed of having a whole colony of people living this Paradisiacal life. To my young mind this was the answer to all the ills of humanity and lonliness as well.

My skin texture became like that of a baby. The natural red of my lips no longer made the use of lipstick necessary. My eyes were clear and bright at all times. In fact, my entire being was gradually taking on a complete change. Yes, even my disposition changed for the better and a natural display of quick temper had given way to a quiet philosophic attitude toward all people and their daily problems. Fears, with which I was formerly plagued were gradually disappearing. My thinking had changed completely. People constantly remarking about the natural and spontaneous smile that lighted my face. There was no effort needed to produce it. This wonderful feeling of exhilaration became part of my life. It was my first conscious thought upon awakening every morning.

So few people describe their experience of life this way. I’ve not had a personal encounter with anyone who has achieved, let alone maintained this level of vibrancy.

There’s more:

Words seem inadequate to describe the perfect state of wellbeing I was now privileged to experience. Sound in body, health and mind, I considered myself fortunate indeed. The thrill of being alive was so intense that I felt this great thrill must be shared with others, for to keep it a secret was surely a sin. No doubt about it. I was an entirely different person, living in a private paradise all my own, wonderful beyond description – calm, serene and the few talents with which God had endowed me, greatly improved.

It was my looks, my general appearance, which most certainly showed the greatest improvement. Despite a loss of twenty-five pounds, I, by no means, looked “skinny.” I was slender in body, yes, but my face was genty rounded and my skin was like that of a baby. I was bubbling over with happiness at all times and a glow of radiance seemed to emanate from me, since people continually remarked about it. Complete calmness and a feeling of confidence, like the confidence a small child must feel sitting in the lap of his mother, safe from outside harm, invaded me. Perhaps I had better describe it as sitting in the lap of God, with a small inner voice reassuring me that I was at last free from all disease. So long as my blood stream remained clean and pure, and my tissues were no longer clogged with the encumbrances of foreign waste matter, no outside germs could attack and harm my physical body. This was a staggering realization, to say the least, and I wanted to make the most of it.

In discussing my experiences with others I was not too surprised to learn that they had tried to live on the Ehret diet but failed. Either through lack of faith or lack of willpower, possibly both, they quit too soon. They had missed the great realization, so important to one’s future life. Those who failed probably brand the Ehret teachings as unsound, but so far as I am concerned, everything taught by the author in his “Mucusless Diet Healing System” is true. I have personally proven that every statement contained in Prof. Ehret’s book is based on a solid foundation of undeniable truth. This, then is the kind of health the average person cannot even conceive of, with every organ and cell of the body completely free and able to function as God intended it should, without obstructions of any kind. Probably Prof. Ehret was the only man in recent history to achieve this perfect health.

I have proven to my complete satisfaction the human body does not need the Scientifically prepared foods and complicated diets that present day civilization has come to accept as absolutely essential for health. I now know that the human body, after it has been cleansed of all the dross refuse (waste encumbrances that our modern diet leaves in every cell and in every drop of the blood stream) can exist on fruits alone and be marvelously healthy. And I have found that even the youngest infant must first go through a diet of cleansing befoe he can be fed on this “diet of Paradise,” as the author called it.

I’ve copied a few paragraphs here but the account of Teresa Mitchell, given in Professor Arnold Ehret’s Rational Fasting contains many more descriptions of heightened life experience as well as stories of her cleansing journey and the purges that took place. I find her story one of the most inspirational ones I have heard along my own healing journey and investigation of proper diet.

I was introduced to vegetarianism, veganism and even the raw food lifestyle in my late teens but my adoption of these prescriptive diets failed to deliver the results I was after. In fact my body deteriorated in many ways over the seven years that I abstained completely from consuming animal products. Of course, I was admonished by well-meaning friends and even multiple naturopaths that a lack of sufficient protein was the cause of my acne, migraines, poor eyesight, stomach aches, severe fatigue, poor circulation, painful periods, constant runny nose, mood swings, persistent anxiety and depression. What else could it be? The protein myth has so invaded our culture it even clouds the vision of so-called natural healers. Except that I had all the same symptoms when I was eating animal flesh, chicken eggs and cow’s milk. So what was the real cause of so many chronic ailments?

It has only been through two more decades of trial and error that I have realized why these diets failed. Though an improvement from “normal food” the vegetarian and vegan diets do not embrace wholly enough, the true foods of man. Starches, fats and proteins still abound, fruits are relegated to the confines of breakfast, if permitted at all, and very little thought is given to proper food combining. Even many raw foodists embrace starches and fats, even fermented foods, which are difficult to digest and produce acids and mucus. All of these diets are a far cry from the natural foods of a frugivore.

At this stage of my life I have only recently started to consider the concept of fruitarianism as a sustainable option. It is such a departure from everything I have learned and practiced. I find myself still very attached to foods that fit into a vegan lifestyle, but do more to rob energy than to enhance it. Think quinoa tabouleh or curry with rice. But the staples of my vegan kitchen are not helping me out of pain. They are not helping me to heal. The more I challenge myself to eat fruits and abstain from other foods, the more I realize what a psychological addiction I have to foods that have brought me comfort and provided a temporary respite from stress and emotional overwhelm.

My goal is to get to the point where I can find the internal stamina and focus to live solely on fruits until I have affected, like Teresa, complete healing of my body. It is my intent to document my journey and give hope to other seekers who have been misled by wrong information and continue to suffer. If it’s a matter of willpower or choice, okay, that’s up to each of us. The injustice is the wrong information that we take in, adhere to and get nothing out of except more suffering.

I want skin like a baby! I want to bubble over with happiness and exude an effortless peace. That’s definitely not how I feel now, nor how I have ever felt. My entire physical existence has been an exercise in pain management. I didn’t actually know until recently that it could be anything else. Despair has been a faithful companion over the thirty-nine years I have walked around in this body. I’ve had good days and made a few jokes along the way but the overarching, inescapable theme has been pain. I’ve sought relief in many forms. It’s time for fruit, I think, and a final goodbye to the hitchikers that have held me captive.

Bliss, beauty, genuine peace – let’s see.

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